AFFOGATO Coffee is a two ingredient simple Italian coffee based dessert which literally means Ice Cream drowned in Coffee. Here is a quick recipe that shows you a hassle free way of enjoying the AFFOGATO Coffee sitting within the comforts of your drawing room.
Do Try it and tag us in your posts on instagram @urbanbeanscoffee
Recipe Courtesy : Chef Ambrish Narvekar

PREP TIME : 10 Minutes.
Serves : One
Urban Beans Coffee : 3 tsp or 10 gms
Water : 20 / 30 ml
Dark Chocolate Shavings : For Garnish
Vanilla Ice Cream: 2 scoops
- In a bowl or a cup take two scoops of vanilla ice cream.
- Prepare freshly brewed strong coffee using Urban Beans “Instant Magic” – Strong Instant Coffee or URBAN TRUTH – Filter Coffee decoction. Brew the Coffee last so that you get the most amazing flavor and freshness.
- Pour over the ice cream freshly brewed hot coffee.
- Garnish with chocolate shavings.
Serve as the vanilla ice cream melts over the hot coffee. Add a wafer for presentation and serve your guests.
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Recommended Reading : Know Your Coffee
Delicious Hazelnut Coffee
Craving for Delicious Hazelnut Coffee ? There is absolutely no need to drive down to the new international coffee shop to satisfy your craving for Hazelnut Coffee. You can actually make these hazelnut mocha café lattes at home, all by yourselves.
Before you scroll below : Buy Hazelnut Coffee
Urban Beans Coffee Vivid Hazelnut Instant Coffee can be prepared two ways – a boozy, adults-only version, or a non-alcoholic family-friendly version – You will love them both !
Ingredients : URBAN BEANS COFFEE : VIVID HAZELNUT INSTANT COFFEE, Milk, Water, 2/3 tablespoons unsweetened Cocoa Powder, Sugar to taste, Chocolate Liqueur (optional)

Mix One Tablespoon per person of VIVID Hazelnut Instant Coffee with warm water till it mixes well and forms a slightly lighter shade of brown. You will see the volume increase as air is trapped in the mixture. Add fine sugar to this mixture and beat it again with a whisk. Pour this mixture into the cups at about 1/4 of the cup volume and set aside. Add a dash of Chocolate Liqueur in the cup if you want it to be an adults drink.
In a medium sized pan, whisk milk, cocoa powder (optional) together and heat on medium-low flame until very hot. Once very hot, remove from heat. Whisk rapidly in a deep jar or vessel to create foam. Pour the milk mixture evenly into each mug, holding foam back with a spoon. Spoon the beautiful foam on top of each cup at the end. Top with hopped hazelnuts, if desired.
Sip Slowly and enjoy the flavor.
Do share your versions and tag us on instagram and facebook : @urbanbeanscoffee | follow us : @urbanbeanscoffee